LLD resident cardholders may download/stream digital titles as well as check-out our eReader devices.
eMediaLibrary Audio/eBooks powered by Libby
(click the eMediaLibrary link above to access!)
Using eMediaLibrary, our online eBook platform, download best-selling digital audiobooks and eBooks 24/7 to your PC at home, in the office, or transfer titles to your portable device.
Note: "Recommendations" via the Libby/Overdrive platform may be considered for selection, however, we cannot purchase every suggestion. If you'd like to connect with a Library professional, please email adultservices@lislelibrary.org or youthservices@lislelibrary.rog or call 630-971-1675 and select Adult Services or Youth Services for assistance.
Click HERE for a helpful guide on how to download the Libby app to your device!
Borrow eBooks, comics, and graphic novels, video, music, and audiobooks with your Library card!
(click the hoopla link above to access!)
LLD cardholders can download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or iOS device to begin enjoying thousands of authors, artists, and titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies, and publishers – available to borrow for instant streaming or temporary downloading to smartphones, tablets, and computers.
- Register for an account by visiting hoopla or download the app via the AppStore or Google play - search "hoopla"
- Click on "Sign Up" to create an account
- "Browse" titles or click on the "Search" box and type in a keyword
- Click on the "Borrow" button
- The "My Titles" tab will show your selections
- Your titles will be automatically returned, no worries! (You may borrow up to 15 titles per month)
Click HERE for a helpful guide about hoopla!
eReader devices (Kindles)
Adult Services and Youth Services have multi-genre and age-appropriate eReader devices available for check-out. Contact Adult/Youth Services for more information.