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LLD Capital Projects

This page was created to improve public awareness regarding facility projects at the LLD.

“Capital Projects” refers to major facility improvements or development projects that focus on the building/campus. These projects may be structural, architectural, or affect facility design/arrangement.

The LLD Board and staff are committed to the Library’s Vision, Mission, & Values.  Objectives outlined in the 2019-2022 LLD Strategic Plan will guide the Library for the next few years while supporting the Mission of the Library: to enhance the cultural, social, and life-long educational development of the community.  

Under the LLD Strategic Plan’s FACILITY focus area, the objective is to provide a welcoming facility and campus that meets community needs, encourages utilization, and fosters an enriching environment.


  1. Update and enhance facility structure and exterior areas as identified by Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) to improve user experience (see Appendix A).
  2. Utilize Universal Design (UD) concepts in projected LLD facility projects.
  3. Commission professional assistance, when appropriate, to achieve SPC Facility objective.
  4. Refer capital projects to LLD Physical Plant Committee to review expert advice and recommend steps to achieve SPC Facility objective.


Through comprehensive Board discussion, strategic planning, community engagement, and qualified professional management, the LLD Board of Trustees supports this capital improvement project in keeping with key objectives within the LLD 2019-2022 Strategic Plan.  The LLD’s overarching goal is to provide a welcoming facility and campus that meets community needs, encourages utilization, and fosters an enriching environment for our residents. 

To achieve this goal, the LLD shall incorporate Universal Design concepts and space optimization features such as:

  • Providing adequate restrooms throughout the building: family and single-use restrooms.
  • Improving points of service: entrance, drive-up window, right-sized public service desks, and enhanced meeting/study spaces.
  • Updating technology/power/security: increased WiFi access points, electrical outlets, and efficient lighting. Improved automated check-out and security systems. Creating a 21st Century Library experience.

Long-term, fiscal responsibility is imperative.  The LLD has applied a three-pronged fiscal approach to planning and funding this project:

  1. Lowering the Library portion of property tax bills in 2017, 2018, 2019, and freezing the levy in 2020, while comprehensively evaluating the facility via reports, presentations, and discussion.
  2. Strategically investing in facility improvements now, to prevent successive ‘band-aid’ repair/replacement projects. This approach minimizes maintenance costs long-term.
  3. Utilizing operational and Special Reserve funds to fund the project, with an objective to maintain the LLD’s fiscally prudent trajectory into the future. 

Thank you for visiting the LLD Capital Project page. We hope you are as excited as we are about the forthcoming facility enhancements!

- LLD Board of Trustees

Reports | Presentations | Documentation

Below are links to the reports and presentations that have affected and guided capital project discussions – in reverse chronological order. New Information will be added when available. LLD Board and Committee information is available via the Library Board page.  Recorded meetings are accessible via the LLD Board of Trustees YouTube page.

HVAC System Upgrades 
BAS Replacement

HVAC System Upgrades RFP
BAS Replacement RFP

Addendum N. 01- BAS Replacement 
Addendum N. 01- HVAC Replacement

HVAC System Upgrades
BAS Replacement