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Adult Services desk

LiteZilla at the LLD!

WE DID IT! TOGETHER! >>> Bring LiteZilla© to at the LLD!

THANK YOU to the generous donors who helped us reach the LiteZilla© fundraiser goal. We are excited and so very grateful to all the individual givers and to the organizations who got us over the finish line. We cannot wait to install the LiteZilla© in the soon-to-be new Youth Services Department once the LLD renovation is complete in the new year!

“I am delighted about having a feature that not only encourages individual creativity, but also inspires artistic collaboration. The LLD is deeply grateful for the community’s support via individual donations and the generous donations from distinguished organizations within the community. A lot of credit goes to the LLD Advocacy and Outreach Committee for a very thoughtful fundraising effort. We cannot wait for the renovation to be complete and for the big reveal,”  Tatiana Weinstein, LLD Director.

The JCS Arts, Health, and Education Fund Grant was awarded to the Library by the DuPage Foundation. Donations were also made by Lisle Woman’s Club, Friends of the Lisle Public Library District/Lisle Community Service Corporation, Lisle Library District Foundation, Giant Steps, Home Pride Services, and an assortment of individual donors. All donors will be publicly recognized via a plaque once the LiteZilla© is installed.

The mission of the LLD is to enhance the cultural, social, and lifelong educational development of the community and the LiteZilla© certainly aligns with that mission.  



The LLD has embarked on a major renovation to be completed within the next year. The overarching objectives of the renovation are to increase efficiencies, accessibility, and improve functionality. 

A conservative budget has afforded core enhancements and practical inclusions. However, the Library would also like to provide a very special feature in the Youth Services Department to set the LLD apart from other neighboring libraries. 

Museums and some larger libraries have built what some call giant Lite-Brite© like installations within their buildings. There are several companies that offer this type of unique product. The LLD has its eyes on a LiteZilla© light wall.

This special installation was not included within the main scope of the renovation project due to its cost. That is why we are seeking your help with funding this distinctive feature. The current price for a 6’x5’ installation is $14,999.  

These light walls provide creative and inclusive enjoyment for all patrons, regardless of age, physical ability, or developmental challenge. Installations like these engage children without prompting and deliver interactive design and other STEAM (science-technology-engineering-art-math) learning experiences.

Please consider helping the Library reach our goal!


  1. Choose a donation category
  2. Mail or deliver your donation to the Library...OR donate online!

Please consider donating one of the below categories:

  • Local Leaders/Families -- $100-$500
  • Organizations/Businesses -- $500-$1,500
  • Corporate Contributor -- $1,500 - $5,000
  • Other/Any Amount -- $______________

All donations will be publicly recognized and will contribute to the LiteZilla installation/Youth Services Department. Donors will also receive an acknowledgment letter regarding donation. 

Please make checks out to the Lisle Library District.

The LLD is a tax-exempt institution that may receive and administer donations for the benefit of the public. Under Illinois library law, any person/group may make donations for the benefit of the Library District. The LLD encourages donors to consult a financial professional for tax purposes.

If you have questions please contact LLD Director, Tatiana Weinstein: 630-971-1675 x1004

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